Review: Love Painted in Lies by Holly Denham

209304642Love Painted in Lies is a laugh-out-loud feel-good British comedy that goes beyond the usual love story. Minty’s return to Maida Vale isn’t just about the chaos of raising twins, Old English Sheepdog shenanigans, school runs, and caring for her parents. Her life is shadowed by whispers of her involvement in a family art forgery ring that once duped the London elite.

The watchful eyes of the law linger on Minty; they’re convinced she’s back to unearth a treasure trove of truths about a legendary missing painting. Minty must prove her new life is a genuine fresh start. But does she know more than she’s revealing, or is her return an honest attempt to repaint her life’s canvas?

Amidst it all, a mysterious stranger strolls into her already turbulent world, bringing a hint of intrigue and the possibility of romance. Is he a brushstroke of fate or a shadow from her past? While juggling these challenges, she’s also navigating the cutthroat world of London school admissions, where playing the church-attendance game is more about strategy and less about faith.

With gangsters on her heels and love at her door, Minty’s journey is a hilarious adventure, where art and reality comically collide in Maida Vale. More than a rom-com—experience a vibrant mix of comedy, mystery, and captivating life twists.

Years ago, I read a quirky, fun book called Holly’s Inbox, a story told through a series of emails.  It was funny, at times ridiculous, and an all around good time.  When I discovered that she’d written a new novel, I jumped at the chance to read and review it.

Love Painted in Lies is just as hilarious as Holly’s Inbox had been, but a more grown up, adult novel about love, life, kids, and dogs.  It’s still very much recognizable as the same author, but with a bit of maturity.  Which, honestly, is something I needed.

I could relate to Minty in a lot of ways.  We both have two kids, too many animals to count, and we both lost our husbands way too young.  And while I’m not a felon, I could still empathize with the things she went through, both in her past and in her present.  Watching her deal with everyday life, her aging parents, her overbearing siblings, and still have enough left over to contemplate a new relationship?  It was inspiring on a certain level, since it’s more than I’ve thought about in the last four years.

Everything surrounding the painting, the gangsters, and her past, was over the top and ridiculous, but by god it was fun.  I can see how she could have gotten caught up in it all as a young person, too.  The attention, the money, the ease with which she seemed to be able to do it all, it’d have been very tempting, for sure.  Now, as a reformed adult, her attempts to prove she’s turned over a new leaf are also pretty over the top, but sometimes you have to be a little OTT when you have kids.  I think it’s a condition that comes with motherhood, honestly.

I laughed so hard, so many times while reading this.  Ms. Denham’s writing style is easy and light, making for a quick and enjoyable read.  I devoured the book pretty quickly and loved every minute of it.  It’d be fun to see what Minty and her family are up to in a future book.  Because I have a feeling that she won’t be able to stay out of trouble for long.


*Thanks to the author and the publisher for a copy of this novel in exchange for a fair review.

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