Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge Feb 6, 2019


The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is hosted by Long and Short Reviews.  This week’s topic is: Favorite movies of all time and why.

Okay, warning: this might get long.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Facotry: I’ve loved this movie since I was really young.  It was a huge part of my childhood and always made me happy.  Still does.  Had the pleasure of watching it with my seventeen-year-old daughter last year and she was more interested in watching me than the movie.


Tombstone: As you’ll see going down this list, I love Val Kilmer.  He was the main draw for this movie, but in the end, the entire cast was amazing.  My stepfather rented it on VHS one weekend when I was in high school and I think I watched it three times that weekend.  Yeah, obsess much, Amy?  Anyway, I love this movie so much that I made a trip to Tombstone, AZ with my long-time BFF about ten years ago.


The Princess Bride: My mom stumbled across this movie one afternoon, she found it on some cable station and every time I saw her watching it, it was always at the end – where Westley, Inigo, and Fezzik are standing outside the castle, talking to Buttercup.  It’s actually my mom’s favorite part of the movie, she loves Buttercup’s fall after she jumps out of the castle window.  “Hello, lady,” was something said in our house often because of that.  I think a good part of my attachment to this movie is because of her, but honestly, it’s an amazing movie no matter what my attachments.


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: And let the Val Kilmer obsession continue.  Hahaha.  But seriously, my BFF (as mentioned above in the Tombstone bit) told me I had to watch this movie.  Yeah, I cannot tell you how happy I am that I took her advice.  Robert Downey Jr. is hilarious and Val Kilmer as a gay private eye is the best thing ever.  Never mind the fact that they freaking make out at one point in the movie.

 tumblr_olnchtF4bX1w071fpo1_500The Magnificent 7: A friend, different from the above, wanted me to see this movie so badly that she bought the DVD for me and had it shipped because she was tired of me waiting for it to become available at the library.  I love a good western, but this goes above and beyond. It has all the action, drama, and humor of Tombstone, which is probably why I enjoyed it so much.


Thunderheart: Um… more Val Kilmer anyone?  This movie I can blame on my husband.  He was watching it on television one night and I got hooked.  I actually still have a VHS copy in my bedroom closet.

tumblr_n6uunbofT31qcq834o1_1280The Woman in Black: I don’t even know how I found this movie initially because the version I fell in love with was the one from the 80’s, long before Daniel Radcliffe starred in the remake.  And as much as I love DanRad, the original is so much creepier.  And the original ending?  CHILLING.  I need to see if I can find the original on DVD somewhere because I think my nineteen-year-old would appreciate it.  She enjoyed the remake, so I’m sure she’d like the original, despite its lack of special effects.

tumblr_ngl0c0rQN21qgtanjo6_250Real Genius: This and Top Secret! are my two favorite Val Kilmer movies.  They’re his first two movies, I believe, and they’re so freaking goofy that you can’t help but laugh and laugh, even when you don’t want to.  Real Genius is the reason why I love Val so much, but every movie he just gets better.

tumblr_nlm572aOB01r5hb9jo9_r1_250Inception: I’ve only watched this movie twice, but it really is the most bizarre and yet engrossing movie I’ve seen in a long time.  I need to watch it again, soon.  This movie also started my love affair with Cillian Murphy, but that’s a whole other mess.

tumblr_p4ft55lnNj1tkodheo1_400So, what are some of your favorites?  Any good recs for me?

(Side note: there’s a joke that the Supernatural fandom has a gif for everything and… while searching Tumblr to find gifs for this post, I was astounded that pretty much every movie I searched for, there were Supernatural gifs in the mix.  Color me amused.)

tumblr_pjr21dhNWQ1veql2qo1_500Actually… no, I’m not kidding.

tumblr_o5yg33VSQz1qlu8two4_250(And I’m still curious about WHY THE NUMBER ON THE DOOR TO HEAVEN WAS 42.  Is it a Douglas Adams reference or not?  I NEED TO KNOW.)This time, I’m really done.  Promise.  Amy xx 

12 thoughts on “Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge Feb 6, 2019

    1. I want to say the original was in black and white? Or at least had more of a sepia tone to it? But I totally agree that the original really amped up the creep factor. Although I do kinda live for Daniel Radcliffe in Victorian wear. 🙂 Thanks for visiting!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hah – I do love that movie. I need to dig it out and watch it again soon. The Woman in Black is great because it’s not really scary – it’s more of a creepy suspense kind of movie. I highly recommend it (and Susan Hills novella as well).


  1. Which Magnificent 7? Also, I did NOT realize The Woman in Black was a remake. I need to tell my kid–she loved that movie (the new one). I was obsessed by Val Kilmer (did you watch him in “The Saint”? ::: swoon ::: ) but he’s not getting older gracefully, bless his heart. BTW, there IS a Supernatural gif for everything. 16 years on TV and they’ve said it all, lol. Do you watch Supernatural? You should 🙂


    1. I’ve only seen the Mag 7 remake so far, although the original is on my list. I never would have known the Dan Radcliffe version was a remake either if I hadn’t stumbled across the other a few years before it got made.

      God, I love Val Kilmer and The Saint is probably one of his best movies. Hahahaha – god, I know. Aging like milk, as the young people say. BUT I still adore him. And I did just find a copy of Top Secret that is on its way to me. Time to torture my family with that goofy movie. 😀

      Indeed, as evidenced by Dean in this post. 🙂 But yes, I love Supernatural. My husband is the funniest thing though – I didn’t start watching until season 7 so I was working my way through the first several seasons and every morning he’d ask, “Did you meet Cas yet? I love Cas.” LOL


    1. Yes! Nice to see them both getting a little love today.

      I heard that he’d been sick for a couple years, possibly throat cancer or something. Other than that, he’s been keeping a low profile, which makes me sad.


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