Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge February 5 & 12, 2020


The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is hosted by Long and Short Reviews.  This week’s topic is: books I reread or would like to reread.

I missed last week’s post for a variety of reasons, so I wanted to start out with a couple of my celebrity crushes before I move on to this week’s topic.  Why?  Because we can all need a little pretty in our lives.

I’m going to start out with my favorite TV show right now: Evil.  IMDB says this about the show: A skeptical female clinical psychologist joins a priest-in-training and a blue-collar contractor as they investigate supposed miracles, demonic possession, and other extraordinary occurrences to see if there’s a scientific explanation or if something truly supernatural is at work.  Having been studying to be a psychologist at one point in my life, this sucked me right into the show.  And then you have Kristen, played by Katja Herbers.

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Nowhere is safe. It’s time to get admitted into #Evil.

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She’s just so cute and tiny and yet… she’s one heck of an opponent.  I would not want to go up against a mom raising four girls while her husband is off… somewhere… and battling demon-like entities during work hours.

Next is my Peloton boo, Cody Rigsby.  He’s not just adorable and fit, but such an inspiration.  His constant reminders to love myself and ‘you do you, boo’ keep me going on a daily basis.

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Can you feel me now ? @britneyspears

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See?  That’s the kind of inspiration I need in my life.  Haha.

Now, on to this week’s topic: books I like to reread or would like to reread.

As a rule, I don’t reread books unless it’s been some time since the last one came out and I need a refresh.  Or, there’s a movie about to be released and it was 1846 when I originally read the novel.  It’s just not something I enjoy doing, mainly because there are so many other books out there waiting for me.

That said, every few years, I make a point to reread my all-time favorite book: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.  It never fails to make me laugh and lift my spirits.  My last re-read was actually in audio and I don’t know if it was Stephen Fry’s deadpan, posh British voice that did me in or if it had simply been too long since I’d visited Arthur, Ford, Trillian, and Zaphod, but whatever it was, I’d never laughed harder in my life.

There are two series I’m thinking about rereading, however.  One is Debra Webb’s Faces of Evil series.  I randomly picked these books up to review and fell in love.  Jess, Dan, the whole crew… plus Eric Spears.  I’d never been so in love with the bad guy as I was with the Player.  Note to self: seek help.

The other series is Meg Gardiner’s UNSUB series.  I inhaled the first two books in the series and the third comes out on the 18th of this month.  I really loved the first two books, although the second didn’t have enough of her boyfriend, Sean.  I’m way too excited for next Tuesday.  Hah!

So, are you a re-reader or are you more like me?

17 thoughts on “Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge February 5 & 12, 2020

    1. Thanks! The last couple months have been stressful, but I wanted to add some pretty and pimp a really good show, so how could I not? 🙂

      Hahaha – there’s a guy that works at my local pet store and he loves to tell my 18 year old, “Back when I was young, in 1846…” And he can’t possibly be more than 45. It cracks me up. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. The Hitchhiker’s Guide!!! I’ve read that a few times. I need the audio.
    I want to see Evil. I saw it advertised, and wondered about it.


    1. I hope you get to read it soon! it’s ridiculous and over the top but so much fun. And the audio was amazing.

      Evil is so good – creepy and intriguing and funny, too.


  2. I’m having a hard time wanting to watch “Evil”. I was a HUGE “Person of Interest” fan and I just can’t picture Leland Townsend as a bad guy. I loved him so much on POI. Sigh. And I remember you telling me how much you loved those Faces of Evil books!! I’m so glad you stumbled across them.


    1. Troy LOVED POI, too. It was one of his favorite shows. Leland is such a different character that I didn’t even realize that it was the same guy. It’s SO GOOD though.

      I’d never even heard of Debra Webb before those books (how, I don’t know, she’s excessively prolific), but they started a love affair that won’t end. Hahaha.


  3. I like to leave a good period between re-reads too, although there have been books that have touched me so deeply that all I’ve wanted to do is turn back to the start and dive in again. It’s hard these days though. So many amazing books out there that you can access in an instant.


    1. I know those kinds of books! Or ones like the Mary Kubica that I just finished that make me want to go back and look for the clues I missed.

      My Kindle has ruined me for life!


  4. Great post! The Hitchhiker’s Guide was one of my son’s favorite books. Maybe I’ll gift it to him so he can reread it. I’m a rereader, but I tend to let some time go by before revisiting old stories. Thanks for sharing!


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