Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: February 1, 2023


The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is hosted by Long and Short Reviews.  This week’s topic is: what I eat in an average day.

Okay, so I’m not sure who suggested this prompt but hold onto your hats because well, I’m a snacker.  

Breakfast varies. Sometimes it’s oatmeal and a fruit.  Sometimes it’s sausage and cauliflower hash browns.  Lately, it’s been the cauliflower hash browns and an English muffin with some American Dream Nut Butter – a higher protein nut butter with add ins that make it feel like dessert.  

Morning snack tends to be a banana and a protein shake.  Currently, I’m using Ghost Chips Ahoy powder with a scoop of coconut milk power.  The coconut powder is supposed to help the metabolization of fat.  Not sure if it works or not, but it makes my shake taste good so… *shrugs*

Lunch is 98.7% of the time leftovers from the night before.  Plus a cup of assorted raw veggies (cucumber, bell pepper, radishes, and grape tomatoes generally) and if I remember, some kind of dip.  This week has been Hatch Green Chile ranch.  Depending on what’s in the candy dish here at the office, I may or may not snag something sweet for after lunch.

Around 2 PM, I have another snack.  It’s usually a cheese stick and Greek yogurt.  Sometimes, I’ll have some cashews or whatever nuts I have in the house (no comment, please lol).  

Dinner can honestly be anything, but we are very veggie forward since one of my kids is vegan.  I may or may not have dessert, just depends on my mood.  But I like to have a bag of ‘minis’ in the house in case I want something sweet without breaking the calorie bank.  Peppermint patties are my favorite because you don’t want anything else after that. 

On nights I exercise, I will have a post workout shake.  It’s extra protein meant for muscle recovery and to ease soreness.  This I only use after a tough workout, so not every night. 

And this doesn’t include possible vendors wandering in with donuts (I see you, Chad, and I love you), or other goodies.  

So.  Sorry you asked?  

12 thoughts on “Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: February 1, 2023

      1. Hah! I can only find it at Winco here, Albertsons doesn’t sell it. But dang, it’s good. I have to hide it from Maddie because she’ll devour it. 😀


  1. Okay, hatch green chili ranch sounds amazing. And honestly, as snack-intensive diets go, that doesn’t sound bad at all.


    1. It is so good! Just a hint of heat. Well thank you! If I don’t eat every couple of hours, I get grouchy, so I try and surround myself with healthy-ish stuff.


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