Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: April 3, 2024


The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is hosted by Long and Short Reviews.  This week’s topic is: books on my TBR list the longest.

Oh man, how much time do you have?

Well, according to Goodreads, the oldest book on my ‘want to read’ list is The Dollmaker by Amanda Stevens.  It was added on April 25, 2008.  Yeaaaah.  And I even have a physical copy of this book, so really, there’s no reason why it hasn’t been read yet.

Another oldie is Before They are Hanged by Joe Abercrombie.  Added August 11, 2008.  Likely right after I read The Blade Itself.  However, I did just re-read (via audio) The Blade Itself, so maybe I’ll get to this one soon?

I currently have 2,769 books on my to read list on Goodreads.  One of these days, I will have to go in and cull that list because there are so many that I’ve lost interest in ever reading.  But that’s a post for another day, I think.

6 thoughts on “Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: April 3, 2024

    1. Anytime something catches my attention, I add it to Goodreads. You’ll find me in the bookstore scanning barcodes with my phone! 🤣


  1. An impressive list! That is a good way to keep track of things you think you might want to read. I always order samples sent to my Kindle of things that catch my eye, if Kindle version exist for them.


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