Monday Memes: What are you reading? What’s in your mailbox?


Hosted by: The Book Date

What I read last week:

Asking for Truffle by Dorothy St. James – really cute cozy mystery!  I was so tempted to buy the second in the series when I finished on Saturday night, but resisted.  For now.  Hah.

What I’m currently reading: 

Dates From Hell by Kim Harrison, Lyndsay Sands, Kelley Armstrong, & Lori Handeland

Under a Red Sky: Memoir of a Childhood in Communist Romania by Haya Leah Molnar

What I’m reading next (hopefully):

Red Horizons: The True Story of Nicolae & Elena Ceausescus’ Crimes, Lifestyle and Corruption by Lt. Gen Ion Mihai Pacepa

Another unimpressive week!  I think I’m finally over whatever funk my kids and/or co-workers gave to me, so I’m hoping for a better week this week!



Hosted by Mailbox Monday

The mailbox was rather quiet this week, which is a good thing.  I need to catch up!

Library Haul: 

I had previously cleaned out my list of holds so that I could get through some of the owned books I have piling up around me.  I forgot I even had this one on my list still.

Juror #3 by James Patterson and Nancy Allen

Mailbox Haul:

My physical mailbox was empty this week!  That’s good and bad.  Good because it means no more books piling up this week, but bad because NO MORE BOOKS.


I’ve also currently put a moratorium on buying books with the exception of say, a blockbuster book everyone is raving about on sale for $1.99.  But, for the most part, I’m trying not to buy anything for the rest of the year.  And then I realize I’d made a preorder a month back and hey, surprise!  You have a new book.  Hahaha.

Hit and Nun by Dakota Cassidy – I love her and her oddball sense of humor.  I need to read Then there Were Nun first, but at least I have both books on hand for when I get that chance.

Enough babbling for one Monday morning.  How’d your mailbox look this past week?  Get anything good?  Read anything exciting?

38 thoughts on “Monday Memes: What are you reading? What’s in your mailbox?

  1. I love Dates from Hell! Such a great lineup of writers. 🙂 I hope you enjoy it! I only got one book this week and have to put a moratorium on holds because my library is going to be closed for renovations for THREE WEEKS! Thank goodness for having a huge personal library of books I haven’t read yet lol.


    1. I finished Kim Harrison’s story this morning and enjoyed it. Ivy and Kisten were always interesting characters and it was fun to see how Ivy came to work with Rachel as well. Oh no, that would be AWFUL if you didn’t have a stack of personal books to get you through those three weeks. So, see, procrastination CAN pay off! Thanks for visiting. 🙂


    1. Dakota’s books are always quick, fun reads. I love her sense of humor and she’s just a genuinely nice person on top of it all. I highly recommend them! And I hope you have a great week as well. 🙂


  2. I’m never good with book buying bans. Just when I declare one, something new is published or goes on sale for a price too good to pass up. Of course, that’s how my TBR pile has gotten to over 2000 books. Come see my week here. Happy reading!


    1. I wasn’t ever very good at it either, and then my husband was out of work for three years. I learned how to really curb the impulse to buy during that time. I’m sure I’ll slip and buy something, but I’m determined to get rid of some of these I have lurking literally everywhere. Thanks for stopping by!


  3. Asking for Truffle is on my TBR. It looks so good. I always try those book bans. They never seem to last long. LOL Have a great week!


    1. It was a really cute book. I had a couple issues with Penn’s trust issues, but they were understandable. I hope you get to read it soon! Which reminds me, I need to look to see if the library has the second to borrow.

      Like I told someone above, they never worked for me either until my husband was out of work for three years. I learned to control myself out of necessity. I’m hoping I can stick with it. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!


    1. I’m telling you! I honestly can’t believe I didn’t buy it. Hahaha. My husband keeps telling me I need to find a vampire boyfriend because it’s the only way I’ll ever get all my books read. 🙂 But yes, definitely!


  4. That’s good that you are over whatever funk you were in. I hope you enjoy reading and not buying and saving your money. There is always the library, right? I hope your day was a great one.


  5. Both the books you’re currently reading sound interesting. Dates from Hell especially, but the Romania memoir sounds great, too.


    1. I finished Kim Harrison’s story in Dates from Hell and loved it – it was neat to see where Ivy was before she met Rachel. And the memoir has been eye opening so far. Definitely going to be interesting. Thanks for coming by!


  6. Dates from Hell is so not my genre, but I want to read it simply because of the title. 🙂 I’ve stopped pretending I won’t buy new books. Just picked up two last week. Can’t walk in my office because I have so many, but….

    Glad you’re feeling better. Hope you enjoy your week. Thanks for visiting my blog.


    1. It’s a great title, isn’t it? Yeah, I know how that goes, but I do better about it than I used to. I can say, “Well, you have college tuition to think about now…” and that’ll keep me from hitting that one-click. Hahaha. Kids are good for something, I guess!

      Thanks! And thank you for the return visit as well. 🙂


  7. Good luck with the book moratorium ha ha, those don’t always go very well for me! Under a Red Sky sounds super interesting, and Asking for Truffle- I like a good cozy mystery now and then. 🙂


    1. Thanks! I think I’ll do okay, I’m always behind with the hot new reads anyway, so that helps.

      Asking for Truffle was definitely a cute read! Under a Red Sky has been very interesting so far. Thanks for stopping by!


    1. That is the #1 reason why I don’t buy his books – there’s something about his writing style that makes them VERY fast reads. I’m anxious to start it! Thanks – and have a great week!


    1. Awesome! Happy to hear my obsession did a little good for once. 🙂 I really did enjoy Under a Red Sky, it was a great story and an eye-opening look at Communism for a Westerner like myself. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for stopping by!


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