Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge November 27, 2019


The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is hosted by Long and Short Reviews.  This week’s topic is: books that influenced my life. 

Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House series.  I don’t know what it was about this series, but I’ve read and re-read them more times than any other book I’ve ever owned.  That’s not saying much since I rarely re-read anything, but these books really spoke to me as a kid.  And I’d like to think I’ve carried a bit of Laura with me over the years.

Fox in Sox by Dr. Seuss.  I think this book helped encourage my love of the silly and the ridiculous.  Anything by Dr. Seuss is always a win, but this was hands down my all-time favorite.  I remember pushing it under the bathroom door to get my brother to read it to me.  He didn’t, but I still tried.

Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide series.  My absolute number one favorite series ever.  Every so often, I give it a re-read just to see if it’s still as funny as it was the first time and every time it gets better.  Earlier this year, I decided to pick up The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy in audio, narrated by Stephen Fry.  Best decision ever.  The combination of his posh, serious voice reading such ridiculousness brought tears to my eyes.  Anytime I’m feeling down or the world seems hopeless, I grab my copy and read a few pages.  Things always seem less dire knowing that the Earth isn’t in danger of being vaporized.

Harry Potter.  Now, I was an adult when the first novel was released.  I was actually pregnant with my first child when I started reading them.  That same child later grew into an absolute Potterhead (she’s 19 now) and it’s been a blessing.  She and I are nothing alike at all, but we’ve definitely bonded over all things Harry Potter.

14 thoughts on “Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge November 27, 2019

    1. OMG, that sounds like fun! And at least the prairie dresses my great aunt made for me (and my mother made me wear to school) would have fit in perfectly. Hahaha.


  1. Douglas Adams! I used to take turns reading those books with my dad and my younger brother. One time we were having dinner in a McDonalds and we go the part where Marvin the Paranoid Android is confronting the tank on the bridge, and we got to laughing so hard we couldn’t eat.

    My post is here. Tragically, it didn’t even occur to me to add the Hitchhiker’s Guide to it.


    1. It’s funny because I found the series quite by accident. I picked up an omnibus that had the first three novels in one in the bargain bin. It quickly became my favorite thing to read. It’s always brought me so much joy that I can easily see the three of you cracking up over it!

      When I was listening to the audio earlier this year, I was sitting at a stoplight, with my head on the steering wheel because I was laughing so hard. Probably not a good idea to listen to it while driving. Hahaha.


  2. I grew up on Happy Potter and absolutely a Potter head too😁 I can’t really talk about books that meant so much to my teenage self without mentioning HP!

    Great list😍 and thanks for visiting mine earlier


    1. This is my daughter! She was little when the movies came out, didn’t get into the books until middle school, but now she’s a full-fledged Potterhead. Funny story: my husband bought her a Lego Harry Potter Advent calendar this year. And our cat has taken off with Harry three times since she opened day 1 last night. She must be a Death Eater. 😀

      Thanks! And anytime – I love visiting and getting to know people.


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