Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge August 5, 2020


The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is hosted by Long and Short Reviews.  This week’s topic is: my favorite tropes of x genre.

I have a love/hate relationship with tropes.  If done well, they can be so, so good.  But when overused, they become blah and annoying.  Especially in romance novels where everything has a tendency to be trite and cliché if not handled right.  On the bright side, there are so many authors out there that know exactly how to handle a trope and make it feel like something exciting and new.

1. Friends to lovers.  This is near and dear to my heart since the man I married was my best friend in high school.  So, I love whenever this pops up in a novel.  It’s something I enjoy in my own writing as well.  I had a hard time coming up with an example for this since it’s so prolific a trope, I almost don’t even notice it.  Mary Calmes’ All Kinds of Tied Down is a good one.  US Marshals Miro and Ian discover after years of working together that they have an incredible connection.

2. Second chance.  This is pretty much every B. J. Daniels/Delores Fossen/Debra Webb book I’ve ever read.  One of my favorite examples of this is Debra Webb’s Faces of Evil series.  When Jess returns home and sees Dan again after so many years away, sparks fly.  Plus, it’s an amazing romantic suspense series with some pretty intense cliffhangers.

3. Fake dating.  I don’t know why I love this trope so much since there is so much that can go wrong when you lie like this.  However, it’s like a magnet and I’m drawn to stories with this trope.  One of the best I’ve read lately is Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall.  Oliver and Luc are complete opposites and yet, somehow, they work.  Honorable mention here: Fix Her Up by Tessa Bailey.

15 thoughts on “Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge August 5, 2020

    1. I probably would’t have thought of fake dating either, but Boyfriend Material left a huge impression on me (so cute!). Hey, I guess they’re popular for a reason? 😀

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