Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: February 17, 2021


The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is hosted by Long and Short Reviews.  This week’s topic is: how I take care of my health.

You may or may not know, but I lost my husband a little over a year ago, on New Year’s Eve 2019.  He’d been diabetic for 18 years.  The diabetes led to kidney failure, which led to a transplant.  Just as we thought he was getting better, stronger, he got sick and landed in the ER.  He died a few days later from a blood clot in his lungs.  

I’m not telling you all this for sympathy, but as an explanation as to why my health has become so important to me.  I’m now solely responsible for our two girls who, thankfully, are both old enough to care for themselves at 19 and 21.  All the same, they still look to me for guidance and knowledge and if I don’t know what I’m doing, how can I help them, right?

First and foremost is nutrition.  Notice I didn’t say ‘diet’ here.  Nutrition is key.  Like Autumn Calabrese says, “You can’t out train a bad diet”.  She also says that if you aren’t begging for a rest you aren’t working hard enough and woman, we need to have a talk. Hah!  More seriously though, she’s right in regards to nutrition.  You only get back what you put in.  You put cheap gas into your car, your engine’s going to splutter, right?  Same goes for your body.  So, I try for whole foods, lots of fruits and veggies, and lean protein.  And sure, I still have a stash of  Blue Bunny mini ice cream cones in the freezer, but most of what I eat is natural and good for me.

Next comes exercise.  My go-to is my Peloton bike.  I love to ride and the instructors make you want to work your hardest.  The last six weeks, however, I’ve been focusing on a Beachbody program called 9 Week Control Freak because I needed a change.  While I haven’t lost any weight yet (I actually gained a pound, oops), I’ve dropped nearly 9 inches!  And those non-scale victories matter, too.  Plus, I have the bonus of having added a half inch onto each of my biceps so don’t make me smack you, okay?  I’ll get back on my bike in the next few weeks, as soon as I’m done with this program.  I’m ready.  I miss Cody and Matt and Ross.  

Lastly is self-care.  This is a pretty broad term and means different things to different people.  For me, it means treating myself sometimes (see above mentioned Blue Bunny mini cones), as well as stretching as often as I can.  I even went so far as to buy a massage gun recently.  Talk about self-care!  My muscles love me.  It’s more than that though, as I count meditation and yoga into this as well.  Both your mind and your body need care!  Less physical ways of caring for myself are making time to get proper sleep as well as carving out time to read or write every day.  It’s a good day when I can both read and get some words in.

Another thing Autumn likes to do is remind us that we can do hard things.  Sometimes, it’s exercise.  Sometimes, it’s facing the day.  Whatever hard thing you’re looking at, you can do it.  

Which brings me to my favorite Peloton instructor, Cody Rigsby.  He’s very quotable and says things like, “Grab a water, grab a towel, and get your life together, boo.”  But the quote I’m thinking of right now is, “You’ve done harder sh*t than ride a bike to Bieber.”  And when things get tough?  That’s one of the things that always comes to mind.  I can do hard things.  Things that are harder than riding a bike to Bieber.  What about you?

15 thoughts on “Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: February 17, 2021

  1. I’m glad you take such good care of yourself.

    My diet has been pretty junk-y lately, to be honest. I’m trying to be better!


  2. I’m so sorry to hear about your husband, Aymee. It sounds like you’ve really gone above and beyond to keep yourself in top condition for your daughters though and that is commendable! I agree that it’s not about diet, it’s about nutrition and eating as many whole foods as possible. (And I love Autumn. :-)) Those occasional treats are an absolute must, for sure!


    1. Thanks, Stephanie. It was a real kick in the pants to say the least. I love Autumn, too, she’s pretty awesome. Couldn’t agree more – life would suck if we couldn’t have that occasional bite of something yummy!


  3. Condolences on your husband. I’m glad you’ve decided to be proactive in your health, and hope you’ve imparted that to your daughters.


    1. Thanks, Patrick. I am, too, because I feel better to be honest. My older girl is vegan and takes time to work out regularly, so I know she’s picked up on it. My younger girl isn’t as strict, but she’s definitely started paying attention to what and how much she eats, which is a big part of it all.


  4. What on earth is a massage gun, and why am I certain I need one??? What is a beachbody program and why do I think I need to try it??? Who is Autumn Calabrese and why do I feel like I need to listen to her?

    I already know about Blue Bunny ice cream…

    I love Cody so hard. I try other instructors, but no one is better.


    1. Hahaha!

      A massage gun is exactly that – a hand held massage thingy. This is the one I got and it makes life so much nicer. Hahaha.

      Beachbody is another one of those online fitness platforms. If you’ve ever heard of P90X or the like, that’s Beachbody. The programs are generally tough, but they are effective.

      Autumn is one of the BB instructors and I love the fact that she’s 40 and looks as good as she does. She reminds me a lot of a more modern Denise Austin (she’s not quite as dorky as Denise always was, but still a lot of fun). She’s also very real – talks about having a glass of wine or a cookie and how it won’t wreck you, but you need to watch it.

      ROFL! I figured you might be familiar with the Bunny already. 😀 I do love those mini cones though. Just enough to take the edge off my sweet tooth.

      Same. He started a series of rides called XOXO, Cody geared towards Valentine’s Day in January 2020. And let me tell you, they saved me in those days following Troy’s death. He’d talk about loving yourself, being happy with where you are (with or without a partner) and generally made me feel like I could get through this. There’s so much more to him than you first think.


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