Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: August 4, 2021


The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is hosted by Long and Short Reviews.  This week’s topic is: meet my pets. 

You may or may not know this already, but I have three cats: Nayla, Sunny, and Violet.  

Nayla is a 9-year-old ragdoll that we adopted from the local animal shelter via Petsmart.  She’s super sweet and loves to cuddle.  She’s also my profile picture.  

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In 2008, my husband said he’d been thinking about getting another cat. At the time, all we had was Nayla and had lost our other cat, Buddy, about a year before. We chose Sunny. Then, she was three months old and terrified. Today, she’s three years and still pretty skittish, but an absolute sweetheart of a cat. She almost never meows so, when she does, we all look around trying to figure out what the heck that squeaky noise was.

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About a month after my husband had his kidney transplant in 2019, I went to get cat food and stumbled upon a cat adoption going on at the pet store. I couldn’t resist – I came home with Violet.

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She’s an absolute crackhead, this cat. Constantly in your face, begging for food and/or attention. But the girls love her and she brought my husband so much joy in those last few months of his life.

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Sunny and Nayla being BFFs.

One last picture before I go. This one is for Marianne.

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She’s about 8 months old in this picture. Yes, that’s my Peloton. Yes, she got up there herself. Yes, she not only turned the monitor on herself (it’s touchscreen), she logged into my user profile which happens to have a picture of her in it. Yes, she makes me crazy!

She actually jumped into my lap one day while I was riding even. I swear, life is not boring when this animal is around!

And in memory of my younger girl’s bearded dragon, Sampson, whom we lost on Christmas Day 2020. This is when we first brought him home and he was teeny.


19 thoughts on “Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: August 4, 2021

  1. Every single one of these photos made me smile. There’s so much charm there, that I guess all the cat hair looks like a small price to pay. ❤ ❤ ❤ And I can't think of a better profile picture than Nayla. 🙂


    1. Yay! I’m so happy to hear that. They are all so different, but they are all such sweethearts, we’re lucky to have them in our lives. And thank you – her resting kitty face is exactly how I feel most days. Hahaha. 🙂

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