Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: November 17, 2021


The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is hosted by Long and Short Reviews.  This week’s topic is: paperback, e-ook, or audio?  

First, can I point out the hardback erasure in this question?  

Seriously though, I will read any and every kind of book I can get my hands on.  E-books are my preference simply because I suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome.  Holding a print book for any length of time makes my hands hurt.  However, the more strength training and yoga I do in a week, the better that issue seems to be.  Another benefit to e-books is that you’re never without something to read.  My Kobo is small enough and light enough to stash in my purse and carry around with me.  If I forget it?  I have several apps on my phone – Kindle, Kobo, Nook, Scribd – that I can use in a pinch.  

Print books are great because they look nice lined up on a bookshelf.  Or, if you’re me, stuffed into every nook and cranny of the house.  They’re also comforting to hold or have within sight.  Paperbacks are okay to pack in your purse and tote around, but they do tend to get trashed if you carry them for too long.  Also, as I get older, sometimes the print’s just too tiny, even with my telescopic lenses.  Hahaha.  

Audiobooks are a great cure-all for when you’re busy doing other things but can’t stop the story you’re eyeball deep in.  I like to listen to them while I drive, despite having a short commute to and from the office.  They also make cleaning a bit less boring.  Another thing I like to do is get onto my Peloton, choose a scenic ride, and listen to a book while I pedal.  I don’t do this as often as I’d like because the lure of Boo or the BFA is usually too much to resist.  

So, yeah, in true bookish fashion, while I have a preference for e-books, if it’s something I want to read badly enough, I won’t worry about the format.  What about you?  

12 thoughts on “Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: November 17, 2021

  1. You are so right. Even if we have a preference, a story is a story. And I’m grateful we have options, because they add value to different situations (e.g. travel with ebooks, drive with audio books).


  2. I thought I was the only one squinting at my print books lately lol. Maybe it’s time for an eye appointment. 🙂 Seriously though I agree. I love print books but ebooks are so handy, you can take them anywhere. I’ll always prefer print if it’s something I really like or want on my shelf, but ebooks are sooo convenient.


  3. Very much same. It depends on what I’m doing. And, of course, some older books are only available in paperback/hardback formats.


  4. I picked up on there not being a hardback option but thought maybe nobody really reads them anymore.
    And you are right, there is something comforting about a “book on a shelf”.

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  5. I did notice the lack of hardbacks, because I’ve bought a few signed ones recently. They’re good to keep but less practical and more expensive.

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