Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge March 6, 2019


The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is hosted by Long and Short Reviews.  This week’s topic is: favorite hobby and why.

I have a lot of hobbies.  Why?  Because I’m indecisive and my tastes change.  A lot.

In the past, I’ve scrapbooked, I’ve made jewelry, and I made ‘sig tags’ for emails and whatnot.  Most of those things have gone by the wayside, although I do still play around a bit with digital scrapbooking.  My goal is to make each of my kids a cookbook for when they move out but… that might never happen either.  Hahaha.

Others have stuck with me over the years.

Baking.  It’s something my mom and I always did together during the holidays.  It’s also something that I like to do with my kids in hopes that, if they do have kids of their own someday, they’ll pass the love on to their own kids.

Reading.  It seems counterintuitive to even put that up here becuase hello… book blog.  But seriously, it’s always been one of my favorite ways to escape.

Gardening.  Seeing as I like to bake and cook as well, gardening and growing herbs and vegetables has become a favorite pasttime of mine.  Nothing tastes better than food grown by your own hand.

Writing.  It’s something I’ve always done, even long before I knew about fanfiction or the fact people actually wrote the books I read.  I’ll never seek out publication, but I’ll also never stop writing either.  It’s in my blood and something that I’ve always used to bust my depression or work through my troubles.

What are some of the ways you like to spend your free time?

10 thoughts on “Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge March 6, 2019

    1. Mostly herbs and tomatoes. This year, my younger girl wants to add some flowers so we’ll be adding that. I only have a small area so I don’t grow a whole lot. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Aymee, we do have a lot in common although I wish I had more patience for vegetable gardening because I love to cook with all of them. I grow a few herbs each summer but never enough. Sounds like we were lucky to have two very good moms, huh? Good post.


    1. I mostly only grow tomatoes because it’s really hard to kill them. Hahahaha. If I had more room, I’d love to try an all out fruit and veggie garden. Yeah, we definitely did! And thanks. 🙂


    1. Yeah, my husband is diabetic so I try not to bake TOO much. Every now and then the girls will get a wild hair and start baking at like 9 PM after I’ve gone to bed. Haha.


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